
What is Rudegirl?


An avid listener of ska music, especially that of "traditional" and "2-tone" waves of ska. Feminized from rudeboy

Check out the rudegirl in the checkered tights skanking to Skasmopolitan!


Rudegirls are fans of the music genre ska. Dressing nice and yet casual, they always wear skirts with three-quarter length shirts, usually with stockings, but not always. Like rudeboys they have a 'rude' attitude, usually blunt and offensive but in the sweetest way.

Common shoes amoungst rudegirls are heels or doc martins.

Bill: Bob, check out that hott rudegirl in the miniskirt with black stockings skanking away to Catch 22.

Bob: What a babe, I'd hit that.

Rudegirl: And I'd hit you. *Punch*


See rudegirl, rude girl, rudie, rude, ska, coolster


Rudegirls are fans of the music genre ska. Dressing nice and yet casual, they always wear skirts with three-quarter length shirts, usually with stockings, but not always. Like rudeboys they have a 'rude' attitude, usually blunt and offensive but in the sweetest way.

Bill: Bob, check out that hott rudegirl in the miniskirt with black stockings skanking away to Catch 22.

Bob: What a babe, I'd hit that.

Rudegirl: And I'd hit you. *Punch*


See rudegirl, rude girl, rudie, rudy, rude, ska


Rudegirl or as they like to call themselves, "Rudegyals".

Usually associate themselves with taking an interest in "garage, house and 2step" after buying the first So Solid Crew album. Can be seen in any form of consumer brands, including nike, reebok and most often the fake burberry, reading bubery or 'guchi.' They tend to slick their thin hair back tight against their forehead causing receding hairlines 40 years early, and a mass of white snow gel flakes surrounding the hair. Language consists of standard english with a twist. eg, "Wow thats good, mannnnnn, yeh but i couldnt, innniiit." And the mcing consists of "im heavy numanumana". An all round nuisance to the neighbourhoods of "ghetto souf london".

see above


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