Rugger Bugger

What is Rugger Bugger?


A large, often hairy, man who plays rugby for some local or regional club, is built like a brick house privy, and after the game retires to the pub with the rest of the team to sing rude songs and tell blue jokes.


"OH! Football is for poofters

And tennis is for queers

Cricket is for batty boys

who take it up the rears

Golfers bite their pillows

And swimmers do the same

But! We are proper men because RUGBY is our game!"


"You're a rugger bugger, intcha?"


to add to the hairy giants discription are the communal naked baths towel whipping (bugger in the true sense) and endless vomiting from drinking to much BITTER

The crudest of Rugger bugger songs!

The Tampax Factory

Jamboree e e

In the Tampax Factory

shout out your orders loud and clear


We have small medium large,

Super duper

fill a barge

when the end of the month

comes around

See Admiral Akbar


Rugby playing schoolkids/University lads who seem to have an insatiable curiosity about all things involving gay sex. See rugby songs/jokes.

Rugger bugger song>

The sexual life of a camel

Is stranger than anyone thinks

At the height of the mating season,

He tries to bugger the sphinx

But the sphinx's posterior orifice

Is blocked with the sands from the Nile

Which accounts for the hump on the camel

And the sphinx's inscrutable smile

Singing Bum Titty, Bum Titty, Titty Bum

Bum Titty Bum Titty ay,

Singing Bum Titty, Bum Titty, Titty Bum

Singing Bum Titty Bum Titty ay

'Cos we're all queers together

That's why we go around in pairs

Yes we're all queers together

Excuse us while we go upstairs

Now the sexual life of a bullfrog

Is hard to comprehend

At the height of the mating season

He tries to bugger his friend

But the arse of the average bullfrog

Is filled up with mucus and slime

Which accounts for the face of the bullfrog

And why he goes BURRRRRP all the time


A biological paper from Oxford

By Harrison, Hunter and Hall

Has proven that the common hedgehog

Cannot be buggered at all

An alternative thesis from Cambridge

Has incontrovertibly shown

That comparative immunity from buggery

Is enjoyed by the hedgehog alone

See rugby, buggery, jokes, thesis, cambridge


Typical school rugby player. Usually posessing the "On the team" attitude and acts accordingly (like a total twat.) Can usually be seen in the 'cool' end of the socialising area with the rest of the rugby team. Doesn't take well to footballers or anyone outside his group of small brains and thanks to the athletic nature of the school, didnt need qualifications to move up academically in the school (rugger bugger team coach "pulled his pisser" as known in the trade (arse sex to most.) Enjoys picking on people who are alone with rest of "gang" who are never going to fight back (gang banging.) In conversation with other rugger buggers other peoples dislike for them is expressed by the formulae

N = d (N = Not on team.) (d - dont like me/us.)

Usually will gloat etc about having trophey pickings with the women but usually is faced with nothing special and gets very annoyed when Johnny Smooth (who is actually a nice guy and hangs with Professor Chrissy) gets the school corker.

"Clothes off for the showers boys, lets do some rugger buggering"

"You aint on the team, you aint coming in" "Fine i'll go to that nice place down with goals and a box at each goals."

See rugger, bugger, twat, school, dickhead, gang, of, idiots, going, nowhere, insecure, bellend, jock


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