Rule 8

What is Rule 8?


For females;

Used while persons are cammingand one gets a phone call. That person has to show their boobs.

(During a Web Conversation)

Belinda Types;"1 sec, I got a call"...."Hello"

Vern Types;"Rule 8"

Belinda now has to show her boobs.

See camming, rules


If you draw the last pint of beer from the keg then you are responsible for getting said keg refilled.

You know the rules. Rule 8 is: you kill the keg, you fill the keg.

See beer, keg, fill


If it exists tangibly, it can be snorted.

He totally just rule 8'ed a line of cayenne pepper!

See rule 34, snort, cocaine, rail


The rule states any member of the group can challenge the leader and take his spot.

I evoke rule 8! Now I'm gonna kick you're butt!

See rule, postman, 8ball, eightball


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