
What is Rumour?


a rumor is a story spread among a number of people which is unconfirmed or likely false.

kaite- omg i just heard a rumour that Chris and Britney had sex

See lies, false, spread, highschool, truth


an event constructed by people that have small brains

the rumour goes he was a man whore but only because sally got shut down by him.

See gossip, hearsay


Someone who doesn't have an account on any social networking sites such as Facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, Twitter, MySpace, Habbo, Friendster, Orkut, Bebo, or

These individuals typically like to think they are invisible, but usually aren't. They also utilise same said sites to stalk other people online.

Also spelt rumor (US spelling).

"Don't give out my mobile number, dude, I'm a just rumour."

See anonymous, invisible, quiet, silent, lurker, social networking


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