What is Run The Train?
Where a group of guys line up to
I would love to run the train on that bitch Mirna.
where multiple guys have sex with one girl.
YO Blaze, who'd you run the train with last night on Annie??
Where two or more guys have sex with a girl at the same time.
We are going to run the train on Jenny tonight.
To attend a club with your ...err...posse, pick out a bitch, and proceed to stitch train tracks onto her dress.
Jenny: Oh my god David, lets go run the train on that bitch.
David: yeah okay, got your sewing kit?
When two guys have sex with one girl. One guy gives it too her in the ass and the other guy gives it to her in the pussy.
Me and my friend are gonna run the train on that chick over there with the big ass titties.
It's where about 10 guys stand in a line and a girlie goes down the line and gives them head, one by one. The guy who gets head first is running the
I don't want none unless I'm running the train.