What is Run To The Green Cards?


A song i wrote ( a parody to run to the hills)

Beaners came from underground

They brought us beans and burr ri toes

Then we saw that they were browned

But all they did is work as hoes.

We told them go away right now

They did not listen, they did throw bricks

Chuck Norris came with a unibrow

He beat them in the head with big fat sticks.

Running through gases and horrible smells

Hoping over fences in the city

Chasing the crackers back to their hills

Fighting them with soccer balls

Murder for money a shot in the nuts

Men and women getting raped in the butts

Run to the green cards run for your freedom

Run to the green cards run for your freedom

Warrior brown on the field

Stealing and killing their pets

Putting the meat on and folding the bread

Their always losing their betss

Selling them beans and taking their pesos

They love the big ass of Jlo’s

Run to the green cards run for your freedom

Run to the green cards run for your freedom

Run to the green cards run for your freedom

Run to the green cards run for your freedom

Run to the green cards run for your freedom

Run to the green cards run for your freedom

ME:Hey damian did you hear run to the green cards

Him: Yea Im a mexican and that song is still funny

See run, to, the, hills, green, cards, mexican, racist, song, iron


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