
What is Rupesh?



Always Attentive and Caring

Makes people happy and has a Great personality

Cute like a Panda Bear

See Dictionary


1. Someone who gets on well with People, some would say like butter on toast.


3. Useless

4. Someone who overcompensates, i.e always going to the gym

1. "you and me are like Rupesh buddies"

2. "Damn rupesh, stop being soo rupesh"

3. "what the hell you're soo rupesh"

See gym, lazy, pool, useless, toast


A person that will not only kill themselves, but betray you in the process.

A person that consumes 5 to 10kg of baked beans everyday.

A person that loves his microwaveable curries

"Damn, that guy eats beans like a Rupesh"

Whilst gaming online: "Damn it, you pull another Rupesh stunt and Ill boot your ass!"

"I know a Rupesh was cooking tonight just by the smell"

See rupesh, beans, bean, useless, betrayal


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