
What is Ruski?


The russian word for "russian".

it IS often used as a racist term for russians, but very few people are brave enough to use racist terminology against russians, because Russians are usually buff, and can kick the crap out of anyone.

American: "Hey Ruski! Get the fuck out of our country you commie bastard"

Russian: "Shto ti skazal, skatina?!! Now you dead!" *Russian proceeds to beat the crap out of the ignorant American*

See oleg, russian, death, russia, american


Polite Definition: a person that is a russian

Other Def: If used by another person that is not a ruski, usually intention of a racial slurr.


Hey bro, we have ruski pride hey?


Yeah that ruski son of a gun communist should go back to his "motha russia"

Note: It's like nigga if russians say it to eachother, it's like Nigger if a none russian says it.

See rusky, ruski, rusk, rus, russ


RUSKI means russian in "russian"

in most cases used in friendly ways, because if used in a raciest or offensive way, the offender can and will get series physical and financial damage. It is known real Russians (orthodox) non-jewish are buff and tanked and can be picked out since child hood being bigger and smarter than other kids in school and street. In Russian most cases they protect each other even if the other Russian is not a part of there mafia/family, they can just help because there Russian brother needs help or is taken advantage of. In most times Russian are very protective of there kind and stick up for each other as sad " you hit me...we hit you"

every proper Russian knows the word respect and knows the true meaning of it, and its not money! respect your father and mother, and other old people, females (it is sad all man have a mother or a sister etc. and they have to treat the female the way they would want there sister or mother to be tread)

RUSKI is a new slang to call a Russian in his oun language

u can use it in friendly ways like:

- hey hey my Ruski brother!!!!!

- dont fuck around with that Ruski!!! i heard about his family !!

- GO RUSKI'S!!!!!

- i love you Ruski accent ;)

See ruski, russian, mafia, gangstar, respect


A racist word for Russians; Anyone with a Russian sounding last name such as Vajanski.

Johnny: Whats that smell?

Jimmy: That my brother is Ruski!

Johnny: Ruski?

Jimmy: Yeah a smelly Russian.

See russian, russki, racist, smelly, rooster


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