What is Russian Granny Smith Apple?


First, you must cut the apple into three or four pieces depending on your preferences and your kinkiness. You cut it into even pieces and stick one in the girls pussy and another one in her mouth and one in her nostril. The fourth (optional) goes in the asshole. Then You take them all out and re arrange the pieces again until each has been in each hole. After this has been done you and you girlfriend-this will not work for male gay couples, but can be double for lesbians-both eat the pieces while the partner proceeds to take their foot and stick it in the others pussy. This can also be used with various fruits like a pear which is a called a chunky russian fruit salad.

racquet ball envy hamyamsigloos asianmichael bounce dr.suesspopeyepraying mantis dinosaur horse jew frosupermansasquachtime cherryseaworldnew englandwildslidetitantic joker housetornado kitty boomerangspinzoneuranium green cheeseburger iron ladderpokemon kiss feathervacuum dodgesonictails grind idealisticring wormshittrain cheetah garage aladin fox bambiponyhand gliding chuckymagicwillie nelsontamborine beansnow army coloradophoneplaystation doctormove assunshine knarkpenelope hieroglyphic ice blockwallet gold jesusarnez drawer card aardvark flysegapushupwinzombiethreetwenty-three iodine ink honey chiller ice skates cablerowleys hot wheelspittsburghvalentines day Hebrew klu klux klanreindeer bowling for soup

Me and my girlfriend do russian granny smith apples after we have had dinner.

See envy, ham, yams, asian, michael, bounce, dr.suess, popeye, praying mantis, dinosaur, horse, jew fro, superman, sasquach, time, cherry, seaworld, new england, wild, slide, titantic, joker, house, tornado, kitty, boomerang, spin, zone, uranium, green, cheeseburger, iron, ladder, pokemon, kiss, feather, vacuum, dodge, sonic, tails, grind, idealistic, shit, train, cheetah, garage, aladin, fox, bambi, pony, chucky, magic, willie nelson, bean, snow, army, colorado, phone, playstation, doctor, move, as, sunshine, knark, penelope, hieroglyphic, ice block, wallet, gold, jesus, drawer, card, aardvark, fly, sega, push, up, win, zombie, three, iodine, ink, honey, chiller, ice skates, cable, hot wheels, pittsburgh, valentines day, hebrew, klu klux klan, reindeer, bowling for soup


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