
What is Ruth?


1.n. Grandmotheror great aunt.

2.n. Sophisticated, intelligent woman between the ages of 14 & 55, usually attractive but not obscenely so. Reads fiction, listens to public radio, and drinks tap beer. Horrible at returing phone calls, even from the closest friends.

3. adj. (ruthie) objects/activities for excitable, outgoing young woman or girl with several equally excitable female friends.

1.n. Oh, my grandma is a total Ruth.

2.n. What? She never gave back your copy of that David Sedaris book? She pulled another Ruth.

3.n. I bought this ruthie baby backpack at Claire's yesterday.

See claire, maggie, kate, esther, opal


Ruth's are beautiful, fiery, inependent and very clever. Ruth's are very beautiful and known to be break many hearts. Ruth's are upright and honest, they are not afraid to tell the truth.

Ruth's beautiful and she just left me.

See ruth, heartbreaker, beautiful, truth, rexxii


Means compassionate. One who is gorgeous without comparison, funny beyond words and kind of great!

"I'd be crazy not to sacrifice the word Ruth"

"I'd fight my ass off for Ruth"

"Ruth is the greatest"

See compassion, kind, great, beautiful, loving, funny


to do a 'ruth' is to have the misfortune of missing your train because your too busy kissing someone on the platform as the doors are closing.

person 1. oh my god, that girl is so going to miss her train!

person 2. if she's not careful she'll be doing a ruth.

person 1. oh look she just missed it

person 2. What a Ruth!!!!

See ruth, train, rth, morrison


Ruth is the last name of a family of highly advanced intellectuals and talented sports figures (the most famous and well known of which, was Babe Ruth.) Their orgins date back to ancient Greece, 2900 B.C. It is rumored they were the first to discover fire and use the wheel. Generally, they are also incredibly cute. So cute, in fact, that for the first time in history, the first war broke out between nomads from the east and the Ruth's because the nomads kept invading their space to stare at them. The nomads had never seen anyone as cute. The Ruth's also are known for intense, out of this world, war strategy. Their cut throatedness is the fiercest out of any in the entire world.

"I don't understand... I've never seen anyone as cute as Ms. A Ruth, but I'm afraid she will kick my ass..."

"Amazing, Katie Ruth just swam the English Channel in 5 minutes!"

See ruth, ruthie, roots, ruthy


A euphemism for blood. usually vaginal blood i.e. period or from tearing.

She ruthed all over his bed.

I pulled down her pants and there was ruth all over them.

she was actually ruthing in his mouth.

See ruthing, ruthed, ruthless, rth


1. exhibiting high ethical or moral behavior; the opposite of ruthless

The political candidate displayed a high level of ruth when she turned down a bribe as captured on an NSA wiretap.

See scruples, ruthless, scrupulous, moral


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