What is Ryan Carpenter?
In most cases, Ryan Carpenter can be related to the essence of gay.
Just speaking about anything gay is like talking about Ryan Carpenter. Hes so gay, its hard to talk about anything being gay without thinking about Ryan Carpenter. This dude is the epitomy of homosexuality.
Guy 1: Dude! That guy is hella gay!
Guy 2: Yeah, I know. Hes not quite "Ryan Carpenter" gay though. I mean all this guy did was stick his cock in another guy... Ryan would like, shove the cock in, rip the other guy's dick off, then proceed to use the ripped off penis as a dildo, shit into the newly made orifice where the penis used to be, simulating an asshole, and procceed to fuck him with his own penis. And afterwards, Ryan would take the cock and stick it in his freezer for later use.
Guy 1: Dude....what the fuck.