
What is R@ygold?


The pseudonymn for the King of internet child porn.

The search term "r@ygold" is banned by default in kazaa .

See 211


The child porn search name.

R@ygold is a search name that is used over

file sharing programs such as Kazaa, Imesh

and other various programs. It is often used by kids to find girls there age.

See Christian


Actually NOT a real person; R@ygold is simply a codename used by paedophiles so that they can easily locate each other's media.

R@ygold is a keyword added to image and video files with illegal pornographic content, so that those dealing in child porn can locate and share files over P2P networks.

Only a sick-minded person would search for 'r@ygold' on Kazaa.

'r@ygold' should be banned automatically by computer software.

See bob


the tag of pedofile Richard Steve Goldberg but hijacked by other pedo-producers and general porn

Bro, check out this steamy kiddie porn by r@ygold.

See pedophile, fbi, pthc


This imfamous King of Child Pornhas been distributing, collecting, renaming, and throwing these files all over newsgroups - p2p filesharing programs - and IRC chatrooms.

Dayum! Have you seen those crazy 'BabyJ' files from R@yGold on Kazaa Lite yet?


A pretty damn fucked up concept. Child porn is plain old fucked up!

r@ygold is extremely fucked up!


A fucked up keyword that allows pedophile fagsto easily locate images of underage boys being raped; probably invented by the fine folks of NAMBLA.

These sick fucks should have their dicks chewed off by wild boars and 66 razors shoved down their ass holes.

A search through the history of Michael Jackson's computer shows excessive searches for r@ygold.


Had the jury searched for r@ygold during the Michael Jackson trial they would have found hundreds of photos of wacko jacko raping little boys and the verdict surely would have been different.

See sick fuck, faggots, nambla, pedofile, sodomite


The pseudonymn for the King of internet child porn.

The search term "r@ygold" is banned by default in kazaa .

See 211


The child porn search name.

R@ygold is a search name that is used over

file sharing programs such as Kazaa, Imesh

and other various programs. It is often used by kids to find girls there age.

See Christian


Actually NOT a real person; R@ygold is simply a codename used by paedophiles so that they can easily locate each other's media.

R@ygold is a keyword added to image and video files with illegal pornographic content, so that those dealing in child porn can locate and share files over P2P networks.

Only a sick-minded person would search for 'r@ygold' on Kazaa.

'r@ygold' should be banned automatically by computer software.

See bob


the tag of pedofile Richard Steve Goldberg but hijacked by other pedo-producers and general porn

Bro, check out this steamy kiddie porn by r@ygold.

See pedophile, fbi, pthc


This imfamous King of Child Pornhas been distributing, collecting, renaming, and throwing these files all over newsgroups - p2p filesharing programs - and IRC chatrooms.

Dayum! Have you seen those crazy 'BabyJ' files from R@yGold on Kazaa Lite yet?


A pretty damn fucked up concept. Child porn is plain old fucked up!

r@ygold is extremely fucked up!


A fucked up keyword that allows pedophile fagsto easily locate images of underage boys being raped; probably invented by the fine folks of NAMBLA.

These sick fucks should have their dicks chewed off by wild boars and 66 razors shoved down their ass holes.

A search through the history of Michael Jackson's computer shows excessive searches for r@ygold.


Had the jury searched for r@ygold during the Michael Jackson trial they would have found hundreds of photos of wacko jacko raping little boys and the verdict surely would have been different.

See sick fuck, faggots, nambla, pedofile, sodomite


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