
What is 30/30-150?


A type of Rifle round (.30-30). The 150 is the grain. Not sure what that guy is talking about with the whole rape thing, couldn't find anything about it.

Also, the name of the first track of Stone Sour's album "Come What(ever) May."

My Remington fires a 30/30-150.

Stone Sour's new song 30/30-150 is awesome.

See ammo, bullet, rifle, stone sour, music


The name of a song by Stone Sour but coincidently also the famous banned sex act of the 1800's were a woman was placed in a tank of wild negros and repeatedly raped..in the ass...until she was torn apart, aparantley the band stone sour likes being raped in the ass...

man that bitch took a 30/30-150 in the face last night.

See stone sour, 30/30-150, rape, black, pit


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