What is 4?


1) A number. After 3 and and before 5.

2) What retards use for the word "for" and the letter "A"


A number which is considered extremely unlucky in Chinese and Japanese culture. The pronunciation of the character for "death" sounds like that of the number four in both languages, making it a number rarely seen in hospitals (or pachinko halls).

In Japan, more people on average die on the fourth day of the month.

See Matticus


the world revolves around the number 4...



coincidence... i think not!!!!!!

See four, number, 4, numba, 2


1) The number four

2) A term stupid people who are too lazy to type three other letters use instead of the word four

3) ... the letter A?

'3 + 1 = 4'

'u no, 4 ppl sad teh exact same tihng! i am a idot LOL!!1'

'Malice Mizer = 4W350M3-N355! PH34R!!'

"hey! Let's use things that look like letters instead of actual letters!"


two plus two; two times two

2 + 2 = 4

2 x 2 = 4

4 is a great number

it's the fourth number of all numbers

did you know that?

See four, for, fore, fo


the only number with as many letters as its value.

the number 4 is spelled with 4 letters

See four, 4, square, rectangle


In binary, 00100.

Binary can be shown by holding up a finger for 1, and holding it down for 0.

So... try it.



I shake my binary 4 at you!

See finger, fuck you, die, screw you


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