What is 512?


International organization that began in 1996 in Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina. Members are identified by a small trinket, usually carried on their keys. Sometimes they wear specially designed apparel, which is always green and white. This organizaton represents peace. Unless, provoked.

No examples. If you know 512, you know. If you don't, then you aren't a member. maybe someday you will be.


The numbers imprinted on a generic brand of percocet.

we just snorted three 512's in the back of class

See percocet, oxycodone, oxycontin, drugs, vicodin


The area code for Austin Texas (ATX)

A:What you doing with those jalepenos?

B:Just staying true to the 512.

See area code, austin, texas, atx


ATX aka Austin Texas!!!

eyy dat gurlz a Nancyn she reppin tha 512


A stardard memory size...

Im computer keeps freezing up...i need to bump up my RAM to 512


Banging someone five times in 12 hours. Busting a nut is not required, but five separate "sessions" are mandatory.

"Dude, last night I was so horny, I went home and 512ed my woman. I think my dick is going to fall off this morning."

"What are you doing tonight?" "I'm headed out with this hot chick. If things go right, I'm gonna 512 her."


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