What is 707?


Almighty North Bay, Napa, Santa Rosa, Fairfield, Vacaville, Vallejo.

24krt Bay Area Gold, 'n 707 Is Tha Area Code

See Masochist


north bay

he was from the 707, the north bay.


"seven zero seven Fairfield ghetto heaven." you know it, 707 BA (Bay Area; from the water to the capital's steps). dope fiends, pushers, coon cages (see definition), runners, palm trees in concrete, many variations of the "707" hand signs. take a look out your door step, you're bound to spot a few of us.

"sup blud (a gunshot rings everytime that word is used, fill the bay full of holes), you got that pak from 707? its good right? yeah fosho" or "we got hoes for show right here pass this doh pay tha cover keep yo whip revvin yeah we providin supplyin from tha 707"


Extreme leet spelling of lol, Lol, LoL, l0l, or any other form of the typical acronym for 'Laughing out Loud'. Often used by h4xers or people of 1337. Most popular in video game chat or lingo.

1337h4xer: Hey how do you aim with the sniper?

User437: you press and hold L1, why?

1337h4xer: oh, because ive got bord of noscoping noobs.

User437: 707

1337h4xer: 707, 1 pw|| 411 n00B§

See 1337, h4x, leet, l33t, 707, lol, pwn, poon, numbers


Is the numerical representation of Solano County Bosses from The Crest, Lofas, Rancho, College Park, Tree Town to the Hills, whose street credits are upheld by North Bay Stunnuz in Vallejo (aka THE BLOCK). No affiliation to Squarefield, Crackaville or sleepy Nap-a (for those who dont know, thats Fairfield, VAcaville and Napa.

Where you from?


Oh, Vallejo?


You from the Crest?

Na, North Vallejo, College Park

See M. Du


Def: My motha fucking city ran by ..

Fairfield Whatttisssit?!!

thizz or die you Bezzie!




Vallejo tha Cress

Fuck tha Villans and the Family!

bitches and hoes trying to ride on this motha..|

i dip'd them in tha parkin loT and gas break dip'd out there!?


Laughing out loud rolling on the floor laughing our ass off on top of a barbeque. It's hot.

"Yo dog, I was chilling with the Dude Squad and this guy was all, 'yo, you down with the seven oh seven' and I was all 'that's my hometown dog'"

See goatse


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