What is 7676?


This number spells "porn" while texting if you push the buttons enough times (those of you who text, try this and it is true.).

Also, disturbing fact: my school's last four digits are...yup, u guessed it: 7676.

No joke.

Also this is good for online chatting or forum posting while there is a PA(parent alert).

(online chatting)

ghettoboy55:dude i found a new 7676 site.

emogirlie90:you have to tell me.

(on a forum)

...also a great new 7676 is ********, which is currently unavailable right now.....

See porn, bitch, 7676, 1337, txt, texting, text, porno, chatting, chat, forum, pa, alert, digits, cell phone, private


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