
What is 9/11?


1) the beginning of the 3 weeks that my home was covered in smoke and the smell of asbestos and dust.

2) The day my cousin died.

3) The day a good friend almost died but was carried down 35 flights of steps by a total stranger

4) A lesson in sensitivity and awareness to a number of people

9/11 was a big deal and has a lot of political and cultural significance that needs to be addressed thoughtfully adn carefully.


An anniversary of a tragic event that is now used to sell anything: airline, magazines, sodas, etc.

Politicians are especially blatant in using this day to promote themselves and to sell policies that make no sense.


A day when America realized it was vulnerable

Justice? over 3000 people died, just for a statement. If you have a problem with the politicians of a state, dont make the people suffer for that. Kill the politicians, not the people. That goes for america too.


Something that George Bush and his brown shirt thugsuse at every opportunity to;

A. Excuse the most vile acts imaginable.

B. Commit war crimes.

C. Attempt to get votes.

Many good people died on September 11th, and many more were hurt. And Bush and company see nothing wrong with whoring these people - as well as the rest of us - out for political advantage.

Let's see here, 9/11 has been used to justify torture, murder, war. What else could it be used to justify.

See bush, hitler, overthrow, republican


9/11 was a tragic, horrible day. September 11th, 2001.

For all of you who say "America had it coming to them". You are disgusting excuses for human beings. When does an innocent person ever deserve to die? It's fair to hate the U.S., and their government. You can even be narrow-minded enough to say you hate all Americans. But showing joy when 3,000 were unrightfully murdered is just sickening.

September 11th was a tragedy because INNOCENT people died, punished for their government's idiocy. Much like the 7 July bombings in London, or Madrid's. Innocent people NEVER deserve to die, no matter what country they are from.

You people truly make me sick. You're disgusting.

9/11 was a tragedy, and anyone who says otherwise is a revolting human being who should be ashamed of themselves for taking pride in the deaths of others.

See september, horror, tragedy, terrorism


The date when the USA assisted a military coup in overthrowing the democratically elected government of Chile, which was led by socialist Salvador Allende. He was replaced with General Pinochet, who established a dictatorship.

Yeah democracy died on 9/11... back in 73!

See chile, 9/11, pinochet, cia, usa


A day on which terrorists (supposedly from the Al-Quaeda network but what do we know, it's our media after all) hijacked 4 planes. 2 hit the World Trade center Towers, toppling them. Another one hit the Pentagon. The fourth was surmisedly aimed toward the Pentagon as well, but the passengers re-hijacked and crashed it. Overall, 3000 people died. Some people say it was a conspiracy. Some believe the government's story. Some tell people to shut the hell up and stop grieving because they say they had their chance to grieve, while in reality they just didn't get affected directly (how do they know the one talking about September 11 wasn't?). Yet more make a point of the fact that the U.S. does far worse things. My opinions don't matter. What does matter is the repercussions and how our government handled it, shouldering off all the aid attempts from the UN after asking with open arms for assistance, as well as to start a couple oil wars. But I digress.

In summary, 9/11 stands for september 11th, 2001. That was the date of the terrorist attack. It symbolises different things to a lot of people. My only oninion I'll stick in is that people should keep their views to themselves. You could really offend someone talking about that, and possibly get your ass kicked to Nebraska.

Unless you live in Nebraska.


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