
What is :|?


An expressionless face

"Hi, my name is Bob. :|"

See Uncle Bob


A text simley referred to as "face plain" that shows disgust or dissaproval.

Widely used on the IGN Boards.

Person 1: i maastrb8 2 goatse olol

Person 2: :|


Expression of irritation

Stop poking my dog :|

See Bird


An anti-emoticon. Face with no emotion. While a person excepts you to do ":D", you can give ":|" instead, if the joke wasn't funny. Can also express that you are telling something seriously, although it sounds like a joke.

Person A: hey wassup?

Person B: The sky :|

Person A: My cat died because I put it in the microwave oven to dry it up

Person B: haha yea right

Person A: not a joke :|

See emoticon, :i, why, five, related, words


the "wtf face" on the fall out boy rock boards.

noob: OMGZ P3T3 W3NTZ iZ S000 HAWT!

fobr boardie: :| get out.

See =|, fobr, boardie, pete wentz


A face of 'frozen confusing'

:| Vhat is Lunix? Yuo ass! :|


This reli funny face. Done well by indians.

teacher : Shabu y didnt you do your hw!

Shabu: :|

See funny, face, india, :|, shit


makes a monkey on yahoo

:(|) w00t, monkey! i just made a phlippin monkey on yahoo!

See monkey, ape, humanoid


:D word for josh.

used on the yahoo instant messanger.

also, used to express all the adjectives about josh.

:(|) is rich; therefore, girls that look like grandma's talk to him.


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