
What is ;3?


An emoticon used to express a "cute" mood, or something "cute." Commonly associated with anime, the " ; " represents eyes such as: ;-). The " 3 " portrays lips resembling the "sexy pout," only more pooched together almost like to kiss.

An emote normally used in IM and (anime) forums.

If you draw it on a piece of paper and/or look at it from the side, you will be engulfed in the endlessness of cuteness factor.



Pwnee: douche!

Pwnee: u took off with my cell phone in your car this morning!

Pwnee: >.<"

Pwner: lulz

Pwner: ya i was gonna call to let you know..

Pwner: but u obviously couldn't pick up

Pwner: ;3


Tommy: give me ur monies

Hanna: y?

Tommy: i have teh hax

Tommy: >=3

Hanna: lulz, fail.


Dick: but you can't to the prom with billy..

Jane: y not?

Dick: cuz ur suppose to go with me x3

Jane: awww <33333

See ;3, :3, =3, >:3, >=3, x3, cute


A commonly used fur emoticon. Expresses a joke, or just a silly mood. The '3' is thought to be the mussle of a fox.

"Hey Fox!!! How are you!?"

"Rawr ;3 pretty good"

See rawr, ;3, >;3, >:3, roar


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