
What is >?


a hug=]



boy:im hugging u:)

See (>^_^)>, a, hug, aww, <3, wtf, love, girl, boy


a string of symbols that looks like a text guy giving a hug

awes. lets hug (>^_^)>

(>^_^)> <(^_^)> <(^_^<)

See omg, wtf, bbq, zorz, hehe


The pinkest guy in the world, transformed to text.

Name is Kirby. This guy pwns. He rules. I mean, hios power is sucking, and then eating. I do that on a daily basis! Wheres my God damn video game!?

Holy shit people, Kirby can turn firy and icy or even get a swrod out of nowhere, and we all know swords pwn guns in every way possible. Now my finger are cold, so I will stop typing.

Wowzer *inset small crappy kirby ascii art here*


it is a charcature of the video game character Kirby

Ya i won (>'_')>


A Greedy little Kirby

Look At This New(>$.$)>$600 Bill <($.$<)

See pink, green, kilt, plaid, vest, puke, ugly, combo, lenny, carl, peter, moe, joe, fred, jim, brandi, roses, flys, golf, golfing, dell, gay, gross, lol, haha, money, cnn, nerds, jocks, greasers, bullys, teachers, student, gum, xxx, porn, naked, sex, bestiality, power, send, online, pc, mac, standby, news, olympics, twin towers, 9/11, webkins, vagina, pussy, dick, cock, wendys, lasso, lampshade, party, drunk, milk, bitch, fuck, bastard, asshole, motherfucker, dog, animal, cat, humping, bag, santa, bart, homer, lisa, marge, maggie, lois, brian, chris, stewie, meg, krusty, sea captain, mouse, raven, gun, pistol, shotgun, computer screen, wii, ps3, ps2, xbox, xbox 360, atari, sega, dreamcast



(>'.')> Kirby!


Kirby!! (>'')><(''<)(>'')><(''<)(>'')><(''<) Pink Puff ball. Sucks up things.

I love (>'')>. Well theres not much to give an example of. If you like the pink puff ball then you like the pink puff ball.


kirby from the video games and cartoons

OMGAWD joo liek Kirby (>")>

See kirby, like, cool


i want to shake your hand


AKA: the dancing kirby!!!!

<(^.^<) yeah! (>^.^)> oooh!

<(^.^)> break it down! (>^.^<) sexy!

See sexy muffin


Another lame kirby imitation through text.

Kirby is dancing, with his usual confused look.

djblizihizake:Uh oh...i thinx its timez 4 sum KIRBY DANCE!!!!

( >'.')> <('.'< ) ( >'.')> <('.'< )

See Blake


It's Kirby! A hilarious Nintendo Gameboy character that uses his "sucking" power to consume enemies in which he then blows them out as a weapon. The text form of Kirby is used in online chatting or gaming channels for shits and giggles. Other forms include:




Player1: Owned in the face!

Player2: < ^ > ' - ' ) >



this is the original Kirby® the fat round pink thing who ate everything by sucking in air


that (>^^)> guy has a big 8==D

See kirby, nintendo, curby, Jizzm


1. A symbol used to show that x is greater than (or more than) y.

2. Symbol used to represent "own" or "pwn.

13 > 3

I > you


In the latest slang, you can use this for not only numbers but for words, too.

If you think Cats are better than dogs, you put this:


Then it should mean "Cats are greater than Dogs."

But don't use '<'. It's a waste of time, just say it's greater. Not less...er.

Beer > you

'Beer owns you'

'Beer is better than you'

See great, pwn, own, better, <, Overload


The greater than/less than sign is used to compare two things, usually for expressing an opinion.

Pie > Cake

Vikings > Jedi > Ninjas > Pirates

See <, less than, compare, greater, less, than


"Ha". ">" can be used to represent different levels of LOL. Some conversion factors:

> = sarcastic laugh

>>> = LOL

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> = LMFAO

funnyman69: Do you like fishsticks?

nocomedycentral37: Yes...

funnyman69: You're a gay fish! >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

See lol, lmao, lmfao, laugh, ha


Idiotic online slang to represents something is greater than something..

Cats > Dogs

Me > You

STFU > Shut Up

Internet Lingo > World

I don't understand this anymore > OMG


See >, greater, stupid, dk, whatever


right (as in left right)


**turn to your right**


**turn to your >**

See Nick


Symbol, meaning the word, "bite"

This really <s.

This really bites.

See anna


iz kirby duh sometimes used to exprees wanting something (kirby is reaching for something) usually food

ooh! doughnuts!!! (>`.`)>

See kirby, want, (>^.^)>, gimme, food


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