
What is >.


its a bear

this "(")(>.<)(")" is the official sign of the new hit game- ButtButt

See weiner, bear, smile, face


its a bear

this "(")(>.<)(")" is the official sign of the new hit game- ButtButt

See weiner, bear, smile, face


its a bear

this (")(>.<)(")" is the official sign of the new hit game- ButtButt

See weiner, bear, smile, face


see >_<

a face made when frustraited, pissed, upset, or the like.

also associated with cartman.

goddamnit, I broke my ass bone >.<!

See twitch


1: Used to express stress

2: Used to express embarassment

3: Used just to be cute

4: Bears a strong resemblance to Cartman

My girlfriend makes a >.< whenever she wants to be cute.

See cute, stress, cartman, south park


1. A symbol to represent frustration, or wincing in pain.

2. A sybol used to represent the asian culture in 'Chatspeak emoticons'.

1. Al:I just accidentally trashed my mom's car

Ed: >.<!

2. Julia: Ryan why are you so obsessed with Geishas?

Ryan: Because I love AZNs!

Julia: You basically are >.<

See asian, azn, emoticon, chatspeak, l33tspeak


the face you do when you wake up at 7:00 on a monday... then realizing it's saturday

guy: *yawn* ugh, hmm... *goes down stairs, eats breakfest, gets dressed, looks at calendar*... >.< Fuck. *goes back to bed*

See lol, haha, loser, wtf, ugh, huh


it means like tha person closin her/his eyes cos they stressed or in trubble or sumn like dat

im scrood >.<

See no comment


An emoticon used for uncertainty when some one is chatting, nervousness

Person1: do you like me?>.<

Person2: >.<


A kid who won't tell you anything about himself... or herself. You just can't get a definate answer without asking for months and months. However >.< is pro at cs, and is teh god of silenced usps?

player: omg >.< you fricking hacker


ascii version of cartman. see ascii

(>.<)-mah kittiy's bein a dildo

(>.<)-i hate you kenny

(>.<)-this movie has warped my fragile litle mind

(>.<)-oh. lemme see no jewish candy.


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