
What is >>?


An emote for disdain.

Synonyms: >_> , << , <_<

The >> are eyes closed and angled in such a way as you might look if you were literally turning your nose up at something. It is meant to express the condescending attitude of the person who types it.

I don't speak to anyone with a NQ tag >>

See >>, >_>, <<, <_<, emote, disdain, condescending, contempt, scorn


A quick and excentric way of showing how much you owned someone.

Player_1 drops 10 nukes on Player_2's base

Chat: Player_1 - >>>>>>

Chat: Player_2 - :( gg

Char: Player_1 - lol re?

See >>, pwned, owned, pwn, ^^, gg


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