
What is ^,,^?


A smiley that is used to represent a vampires face.

The commas are the fangs of the face, and the arrows are used as "happy eyes". Usually used by a vampire after they are finished feeding.

(Chatroom vampire finishes feeding)

Chatroom vampire: ^,,^

See vampire, feeding, goth, chat, room, chatroom, face, smiley


much like the ^_^ face but instead it being a vampire;

,, representing the fangs

usually to show happiness after feeding

bill:I'll bring you some ice cream later on if you want


See vamp, emote


A smiley that is used to represent a vampires face.

The commas are the fangs of the face, and the arrows are used as "happy eyes". Usually used by a vampire after they are finished feeding.

(Chatroom vampire finishes feeding)

Chatroom vampire: ^,,^

See chatspeak, chat room, vampire, face, smiley


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