
What is ^^;?


Depicts a nervous / anxious smile in ASCII art. The semicolon serves as a sweat drop (commonly seen in anime). Very frequently seen in Instant Messages or forums.

Woman: "Did you hear there was a big robbery right around the corner?"

Man in Ski Mask: "No... no can't say that I did. ^^;"


An expression of nervous laughter, usually after saying something you perhaps shouldn't have.

Sara, I think you need to lose a few pounds before any boys will ever like you, ever... ^^;

See Lisa


Nervous smile / nervous laughter.

^^ = represents the eyes that are closed

; = represents the sweatdrop

Person 1: "Hey, your dad is uber sexy!!"

Person 2: "Heh... good to know..." ^^;

See ^^, ^_^, ^^', o.o;, o_0;


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