What is …?


An ellipsis font character, rarely used due to the quicker way of writing ... or . . .

… will sometimes look exactly like ... or it will appear on the center instead of the bottom.

Hmmm… what should I do?

See ellipsis, , font, dot dot dot, . . .


’Tis a horizontal ellipsis. Often used at the end of a body of quoted text to designated the trailing-off end (where the relevant part stops), or sometimes to represent something in the middle which had been ommited in-order to crop-down, shorten, the text formerly containing a few ‘filler’ words. Incorrectly, instead the manual tripple-dot{ ...} which consumes more width might proceed or take the place of such excerpted text; the reason that the official horizontal ellpisis{…} is correct in the case of quoting whereas the tripple-dot{...} is not ..is that the person whose words were pulled may actually *have* had a clause in it, which should be represented rather by three manual dots{...}, so as to elminate any confusion one should experience when reading, as well as protect one's piece from more- conceivably possible plagiarism.

See also: ..., .., . . ., ], comma ,, ampersand &

When the mayor declared that the town was making ‘noteworthy improvements’ after having said that if we don’t “take care of our deficit problem … within two weeks, then we’ll have to {vote on} some services to deduct or taxes to add,…” less than a month ago, many residents hoorayed joyously.


The correct way to say .... To say this, hold ALT and press 0133.

Smith: Johnson! Why are you still here? I thought I fired you 2 weeks ago!?

Johnson: …


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