
What is ))?


Smiley just like ":)" or ":D" which expresses happiness.

Often (exclusively) used by russian user in the internet.

can be use with multple ")" for example )))))))))

random bob: where r u from?

xaxaxaxa: ))

random bob: lolol kick ru ffs!!!

xaxaxaxa: ))))))))))

<i>xaxaxaxa has been kicked.</i>

host: ))

See )), :d, :-), :)


Smiley just like ":)" or ":D" which expresses happiness.

Often (exclusively) used by russian user in the internet.

can be use with multple ")" for example )))))))))

random bob: where r u from?

xaxaxaxa: ))

random bob: lolol kick ru ffs!!!

xaxaxaxa: ))))))))))

<i>xaxaxaxa has been kicked.</i>

host: ))

See )), :d, :-), :)


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