
What is -.,,.-?


Expression of anger or frustration, used exclusively by Argonians. This emoticon symbolizes an Argonian with bared teeth. Anger and/or frustration are the one of the very few emotions which can be express facially by Argonians.

(In a FPS game, Person1 talking to Person2)

(Person1): d00d ure a n00b

(Person1): get a life

(Person1): stp killing me u mofo

(Person1): show some skillz

(Person2): Couldn't you just shut the hell up? -.,,.-

(Person2 adds Person1 to ignore list)

See argonian, the, elder, scrolls, black, marsh, morrowind, oblivion, iv, 3, 4


Expression of anger or frustration, used exclusively by Argonians. This emoticon symbolizes an Argonian with bared teeth. Anger and/or frustration are the one of the very few emotions which can be express facially by Argonians.

(In a FPS game, Person1 talking to Person2)

(Person1): d00d ure a n00b

(Person1): get a life

(Person1): stp killing me u mofo

(Person1): show some skillz

(Person2): Couldn't you just shut the hell up? -.,,.-

(Person2 adds Person1 to ignore list)

See argonian, black, marsh, the, elder, scrolls, oblivion, morrowind, iv, 3, 4, hist, sap


Expression of anger or frustration, used exclusively by Argonians. This emoticon symbolizes an Argonian with bared teeth. Anger and/or frustration are the one of the very few emotions which can be express facially by Argonians.

(In a FPS game, Person1 talking to Person2)

(Person1): d00d ure a n00b

(Person1): get a life

(Person1): stp killing me u mofo

(Person1): show some skillz

(Person2): Couldn't you just shut the hell up? -.,,.-

(Person2 adds Person1 to ignore list)

See argonian, black, marsh, the, elder, scrolls, 3, 4, iv, morrowind, oblivion, alien


Expression of anger or frustration, used exclusively by Argonians. This emoticon symbolizes an Argonian with bared teeth. Anger and/or frustration are the one of the very few emotions which can be express facially by Argonians.

(In a FPS game, Person1 talking to Person2)

(Person1): d00d ure a n00b

(Person1): get a life

(Person1): stp killing me u mofo

(Person1): show some skillz

(Person2): Couldn't you just shut the hell up? -.,,.-

(Person2 adds Person1 to ignore list)

See argonian, black, marsh, oblivion, morrowind, the, elder, scrolls, iv, hist, .-


Expression of anger or frustration, used exclusively by Argonians. This emoticon symbolizes an Argonian with bared teeth. Anger and/or frustration are the one of the very few emotions which can be express facially by Argonians.

(In a FPS game, Person1 talking to Person2)

(Person1): d00d ure a n00b

(Person1): get a life

(Person1): stp killing me u mofo

(Person1): show some skillz

(Person2): Couldn't you just shut the hell up? -.,,.-

(Person2 adds Person1 to ignore list)

See argonian, the, elder, scrolls, morrowind, oblivion, iv, 3, 4, hist


Expression of anger or frustration, used exclusively by Argonians. This emoticon symbolizes an Argonian with bared teeth. Anger and/or frustration are the one of the very few emotions which can be express facially by Argonians.

(In a FPS game, Person1 talking to Person2)

(Person1): d00d ure a n00b

(Person1): get a life

(Person1): stp killing me u mofo

(Person1): show some skillz

(Person2): Couldn't you just shut the hell up? -.,,.-

(Person2 adds Person1 to ignore list)

See argonian, black, marsh, oblivion, morrowind, the, elder, scrolls, iv, south, east, hist


Expression of anger or frustration, used exclusively by Argonians. This emoticon symbolizes an Argonian with bared teeth. Anger and/or frustration are the one of the very few emotions which can be express facially by Argonians.

(In a FPS game, Person1 talking to Person2)

(Person1): d00d ure a n00b

(Person1): get a life

(Person1): stp killing me u mofo

(Person1): show some skillz

(Person2): Couldn't you just shut the hell up? -.,,.-

(Person2 adds Person1 to ignore list)

See argonian, morrowind, oblivion, hist, the, elder, scrolls, iv, emoticon, east


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