
What is #3?


It ain't #1 and it ain't #2, it's #3...butt pee

After eating bad clam chowder, I had a horrible case of #3.

See butt pee, diarrhea, soup ass, swamp ass


Euphemism for semen or ejaculate; cum.

Honey, get naked - I gotta go #3.

See number 3, cum, jizz, semen, sex


A really messy, runny crap. Basically peeing through your butt.

That Indian food really killed my stomach. I think I have to take a #3!!

See mud butt, hershey squirts


A bathroom function which facilitates release. Not unlike going #1 or #2 in the respect that when nature calls....

Chad's been in the bathroom forever...probably doin' a #3.

See wanking, jerking off, masturbation


#1 is urine, #2 is poo, #3 is The Third Great Detritus Export, aka Puke. Also referred to as a Third.

Mike, just to warn ya, if she drinks more than 7 beers, she's gonna #3 on your shoes.

"Drink a Fifth, do a Third."

See puke, third, vomit, regurgitate, number 3, 3, blow chunks, Fauntleroy


a # 3 is when a faggot diarrheas jizz out his dick taker

I heard when a faggot gets cum up his butt he takes a wicked #3

See faggot, cum eater, butthole, #, 3


To touch yourself in your naughties for pleasure.

I don't want anybody else, when I think about you I #3 myself.


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