What is ._.?
An emoticon that indicates depression or helplessness.
I'm so emo ._.
My life sucks ._.
An emoticon that most of the times is a synonym for Apathy
<Alpha> How are you feeling today?
<Beta> ._.
A smiley depicting sheepishness or belittled astonishment (hence the small eyes).
<gnuwtey> I just got invited to a private viewing of Transfomers 2!
<dernston> ._.
Basically means, in emotospeak, "O....kay." "O_o" can be used also.
Dude1: and then i fucked her cat!
Dude2: ._. right...
coolest face
<rollo> ._.
<lant> ._.
An emoticon representing the elusive emotion of awesomeness. Not all people who are sexy, deserving-to-live beasts use ._., but all people who use ._. should have broad-shouldered bodyguards for bullet-shielding purposes around them at all times. When used with more immediate communicative intent, ._. portrays mild frustration, jadedness, or indignation. When a person uses ._. after almost every line, don't read too much into its meaning, and don't be jarred by an occasional .-.
<DaddyNasty> good morning ._.
<SexySwede> i just found an interview on youtube with the grohlest of daves in a totally stoned state ._.
<DaddyNasty> erotic ._.
A smiley that shows a state of deep shock or suprise.
<Anonymous> hay guys remember those naked pics I had on my HD I was talking about?
<@Lain> Yeah, I hacked your system and posted them all over
4chan . Enjoy your aids.
<Anonymous> ._.
<Anonymous> I am going to kill you.
<+GhostFreeman> talk about ubermicro XD
A mans eyes bulging at the site of some intesesting images
(.)_(.)wow those are large... mammary glands.