
What is 1/20/09?


George W Bush's last day in office. Also a day where either Barack Obama or John McCain will start to clean up the mess known as the United States of America.

I can't wait until 1/20/09

See bush, america, mccain, obama, united states, dubya


Hopefully, the day it all changed.

The nation was going in a downward spiral before 1/20/09.

See obama, change, hope, politics, revolution


Judgement Day. The day Barack Obama is inaugurated into the office of Presidency. He, being the anti-christ terrorist that he is will cause the world to end most likely through nuclear holocaust.

James: So 1/20/09 is coming up. Are you planning anything special for your last two months to live?

Lindsay: (sobbing hysterically) What is the world coming to? A black president? Why?

See judgement day, inauguration day, over


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