What is 10?


Top grade woman (= 10 out of 10). From the movie '10', featuring Dudley Moore and Bo Derek.

Look at her... she's a 10!


(1)1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!

(2)2 in binary

1) I can count to 10!

2) There are 10 types of people in these world: Those who understand binary; and those who don't.


Quick and somewhat widely used word to claim someone of the oppisite sex is of the top percentile in looks, sexual skills and/or personality.

"Damn B, that BITCH IS A 10!!!!!"


Means two in the binary (base-2) numeral system.

Means three in the ternary (base-3) numeral system.

Means four in the quaternary (base-4) numeral system.

And so on...

One exception is the unary (base-1) system, where 10 probably means "WTF? ^^".

Caveman: 10 is WTF? ^^!

Computer: 10 is two!

Octopus: 10 is eight!

Modern human: 10 is ten!

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy: 10 is thirteen!

Haxxor: 10 is sixteen!

God: 10 is infinite!

See two, three, four, five, six, seven


The number that represents a couple that consists of one very slender partner and another very obese partner. Seeing the two side by side is like seeing the number 10.

Did you see those two? She's fat as hell and he's almost emaciated. God damn, it's like seeing the number 10.

See ten, fat, skinny


Not loud enough; one notch under eleven.

Paul's amp was at 10 during his solo, so only the front row could hear it.

See 10, 11, ten, eleven, spinal tap, guitar, amp


10 of weed usally 1.4 grams

yeh just a ten, cheers


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