
What is 10/8?


The latest in a long line of using a date to signify a terroristattack, making the journalists job easier as they have shorthand...but misses the point entirely.

The reason? How can two dozen men being arrested on suspicion of looking Arabic be at all related to 3000 people being killed on 9/11? There was no attack, so therefore the term is meaningless, journalistic slangthat led to paranoidairport security.

The fact that, a month on, those not released quietly are being held on not giving evidence of a terror attack is quite fishy, don't you think?

Journo 1: "The police are trying to appear important by randomly arresting two dozen people without evidence, and can't get their story straight!"

Journo 2: "Quick, in order to make it easier and scare the readers into buying our paper for the way forward, give it a date. What's today's date?"

Journo 1: "10th August, 2006."

Journo 2: "10/8 it is, then!"

See 9/11, 7/7, terrorist, terror, police, police brutality, paranoia, paranoid, journalism


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