What is 11?


1 louder, innit. The highest number in the world of rock. The ultimate rock n' roll number.

If you need that extra push over the cliff, turn it to 11!

1. These go to 11

2. 11 is one louder, innit?

3. My computer goes to 11

See Nigel Tufnel


In the games Age Of ..., is the taunt for laughing. You type 11 and hear a laugh. Has the same meaning as LOL.

"I survived order 66"!

"11, you wouldn't have to say this!"*shoot*

Look at that costume, that's really makes me 11!


One louder. It's where you go when you're already at 10 and you need that extra push over the cliff.

It's one louder, isn't it?


A number reference for going to lunch. Taken from Richard Pryor's stand up routine about his father on the time he was to return home.

Hey, you understand 11, don't you! Sure do, where do you want to go?

See richard pryor, lunch, understand, hungry, food, Russell Pridgen


a number.

Come on people

If you add 2 and 9, you get 11.

See number, 1, 2, math


A "10" that swallows

"damn man, I just found out that my sister is an 11."

See 11, swallows, 10+, eleven


Upon reaching climax while getting a blowjob you cum in the girl's mouth so hard that she chokes, so that it runs down her nose creating a nice 11.

Tom: (just before climax) what number comes after 10?

Tessa: huh?

Tom: 11!

See elva, eleven, 1+1, dragon, pp


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