
What is 11/17?


Bill gates likes this date for some reason, and most of his big projects are released on Nov 17.

11/17: Gates Unveils Spam, Security Help

11/17: Microsoft is working on building more secure products by designing, promoting security training and development, easing patch management, and partnering with hardware makers and security companies.

11/17: Bill Gate's announcement of MOM's availability, this editor offers a brief overview of MOM as well as the product benefits.

11/17: Bill Gates, when questioned about the more than 10,000 known bugs Microsoft acknowledged existed in Windows 98, claimed “There are no significant bugs in our released software that any significant number of users want fixed.…The reason we come up with new versions is not to fix bugs.…It’s the stupidest reason to buy a new version I ever heard.”

11/17: "Microsoft Chairman and Chief Software Architect Bill Gates offers two pills to Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer in a ' Matrix' spoof video during Gates' keynote address for the Comdex computer convention in Las Vegas, Nevada November 16, 2003. 'Take the Big Blue pill and this story ends,' Gates says to Ballmer, referring to a pivotal scene in the movie and also to IBM's nickname, 'And armies of consultants are running around the IT world. Take the red pill (representing Microsoft) and you stay in Wonderland.' Gates played the character ' Neo' from the film." ( LOL)

11/17: Prop 71 has raised about $26 million from a prominent list of venture capitalists and high-tech executives including Bill Gates and John Doerr.

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