8 Balling

What is 8 Balling?


It's some Folk and Crip Shit dat dey both claim, the 8 ball represents the alliance they formed, the Crip gang sign "the C" and the Folks "Pitch Fork" put together is an 8 ball thats why dey use it, it's said to been cracked bout 3 or mo times but then again Crips and Folk niggas still believe in it like the niggas around my way...Eastcoast and Mid West crips is different from our counter parts in the West but it's all Luv Cuzz, Eastcoast and Mid West niggas is mainly on dat 6 PIONT STAR shit, while niggas in the west is Straight crippin dey don't give a fuck about no Stars

~>I'm blue flaggin all day cuzz<~

Folk nigga:"Aiyo you 8 balling cuzz?"

Crip nigga:"All day cuzzin!"


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