911 Challenge

What is 911 Challenge?


the challenge at Cluck U Chicken where you get your picture on the wall and a T-shirt if you eat 12 of the hottest wings in the world in 10 mins w/o water...usually results in intense pain and an ER visit.

Cluck U Employee: "OK you made it, here's the T-shirt."

Friend: "Good job!"


"HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIT! SHUT UP!!! Get me some milk, food, napkins, water, pepto-bismol, etc etc...NOW BITCH!!! NOOOOOOOWWWWWW before I shoot this fucking hot wing sauce IN YOUR FUCKING EEEEEEYYYYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH I'm going to DIIIEEE!"

See Nick D


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