
What is &_&?


It is a method of saying "And your point is?" or "What are you on" in a small package. The twisted eyes imply the user is looking hard for the meaning or point in the argument brought up.

It is a great way to start your argument on GFAQs or any standard forum from music or whatever, it gets what could be a line of a paragraph in three kickass characters.

Person 1: "YOU SUCK AT MGO (Metal Gear Online), ALL YOU DO IS CAMP AND SNIPE"

You: "&_& Okay..."

Person 1 on a forum being flamed : "You fail at life, all you do is go on this place and talk about your little blue hedgehog"

You: "&_&... You are on it... and have twice as much karma as me... and I am quite alive dear douchebag sir... in the sense of breathing and heart pumping and the sense of getting out there into the world..."

Person 1: "Your balls are inert and small"

Person 2: "But they're still there"

You: "&_&..."

Person 1: "Your balls are fucking tiny, like two lil testicles... what more can I say"

You: "You could say that you have either been checking me out from way too far away or don't know how dope my shit is"

See a_a, >_>, ?_?, shit, balls, dope, flame, ballin


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