What is 2004?


The year in which Cars will start being produced in 2005 editions.

Introducing the new 2005 Ford Windstar, available May 2004

See danny


A really, really shittyyear. This is the year that brought us:

-Janet Jackson's tit

- The Passion of the Christ

- Martha Stewartgetting arrested

-Florida getting pounded by 4(i think) hurricanes

-A presidential election between John Kerry (giant doush), who nobody could understand, and George W. Bush ( turd sandwich), who was full of shit.

-The NBA brawl

I'm looking forward to 2005, 2004 really sucked.


The year Bart Simpson's fight agenda has an opening.

Sorry, my fight agenda's booked up until 2004.-Bart Simpson,Bart Simpson's Guide to Life, published in 1993.


still no flying cars. We have to settle for Segways instead...

in 2012 the internet will end the world.


The year wen god finally let the red sox win.

Red Sox are the 2004 world champions


Two-thousand and four. The new year.

Another year towards death, celebrated with fireworks.


The year in which Yui Ikari died.

Yui Ikari was Shinji's wonderful mother.

See Furik


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