What is 2005?


A year that was better then most. Sure, there were a few terrorists and some large hurricanes, but all in all one of the best years since 2004.

2005 was so much better then 1925.

See 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007


The year after 2004.

Nuclear war errupted in 2004, and now we're fucked!


A year that was better then most. Sure there were a few terrorists and some large hurricanes, but all in all one of the best years since 2004.

2005 was sooo much better then 1925.

See 2004, 2006, hurricane, katrina, iraq


the current year, pronounced twenty oh five, no one ever said one thousand nine hundred and ninety nine

wooooooooo it the year 20 0 5!!!!!!!


The year of the Dark Knights.

Revenge of the Sith... Batman Begins... W00T :)


The year tupac's comming back.

Tupac is comming back winter somewhere near 2006

See Serge


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