What is 24601?


Jean Valjean's prison number in the musical: Les Miserables.

1. 24601 is random, or is it?


The number given to the character "Jean Valjean" in the musical "Les Misérables". It has no meaning in the Novel written by Victor Hugo, but was a random number selected to rhyme with the rest of the musical. It is now a term to describe those who are punished extensively for a small crime and it is best used when randomly breaking out into song.

My name is Jean Valjean! twofoursixohoneeeeeeeeeeee!(24601)

See les misérables, jean valjean, novel, musical


Jean Valjean's prisoner number. Used by buffoons on the internet to imply they have a modicum of class and civility, when really they can't tie their shoes without drooling all over themselves.

That noob is a total 24601! What a tool!

See noob, jean valjean, auto-fellatio, idiot, weenie


Victor Hugo's Birthday - 24th of June, 1801

24601 is the prisoner number of Jean Valjean in Hugo's book "Les Miserables"

See les, victor, hugo, 24601


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