525,600 Minutes

What is 525,600 Minutes?


Number of minutes in a non-leap year. Made famous by Jonathan Larson in his Tony Award winning musical, RENT.

Those past 525,600 minutes went by quickly.

See rent, broadway, new york, year, time


The number of minutes in a year.

five hundred twenty five thousand six hundred minutes

how do you measure a year in the life?


the actual number of minutes in a year, as made famous by the hit musical RENT.

365 days x 24 (hours in a day) = 8760 hours

8760 hours x 60 (minutes) = 525,600 minutes.


In 525,600 minutes,

How do you measure a year in the life?

How about love? How about love?

How about love? Measure in love...

See rent, minutes, year, count


The incorrect number of minutes in a year, made famous by the musical Rent. The logic to this phrase is done with the equasion: 60 (minutes) X 24 (hours) = 1440 (hours in a day). 1440 (hours in a day) X 365 (days in a year) = 525,600 (minutes in a year) HOWEVER, this is using the incorrect idea that there are exactly 365 days in a year. The actual number of days in a year is 365.2422, or about 364 and a fourth days. SO, if we redo the equasion, we come out with

1440 X 365.2422 = 525948.768. Therefore, the actual number of minutes in a year is 525948.768

525,600 minutes-how do you measure, measure a year? Not like that Rent, not like that.

See rent, year, minutes, lies, math


The incorrect amount of minutes in a year. Made famous by the musical Rent. The actual amount of minutes in a year is 525948.48.

525,600 minutes, how do you measure, measure a year?

See rent, minutes, year, musical, incorrect


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