6 Ps

What is 6 Ps?


Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance


Prior Preparations Prevents Piss Poor Performance


Proper Planning/Preparations Prevents Pretty Poor Performance

Proper Planning/Preparations Prevents Piss Poor Performance

Piss Poor Planning/Preparations Prevents Proper Performance

Micheal: I'm going to break my brother Lincoln out of prison. He's innocent you know.

Loc: Well... If you're really gonna do it, remember the 6 Ps.

Michael: 6 Ps? What's that?

Loc: "Prior Planning Prevents Piss Poor Performance"

Micheal: Ohh. Gotcha. But how am I gonna to remember everything once I'm inside?

Loc: Hmm... that's a good one (moment of thought). Hey, why don't you tattoo the plans on your body? You can hide it under the art.

Micheal: Holy Fuck. That's a great idea. You're a fucking GENIUS!

Loc: Yeah, I know.

See 6p


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