.500 Smith

What is .500 Smith?


a word used to express the caliber of .500 Smith&Wesson revolver. This revolver is so huge(the cartridge is like the size of your thumb!)it only carries 5 rounds rather than the traditional 6. This thing is used for stuff like killing grizzlies, I cant imagine what it could do to a person. This thing is more powerful than a .50AE desert eagle.

The hiker was being charged by a massive grizzly, so he killed it with his .500 Smith.

See gun, gat, heat, huge, gigantic


The most powerful handgun cartridge on the market right now. Yes it beats the Desert Eagle's .50AE and Raging Bull's .454 Casull. This monster is 12.7 X 41mm (read: it's huge). In comparison, the cartridge you stick in AK-47s is 7.62 X 39mm and M16s use 5.56 X 45mm (interesting to note that .500 actually produces more muzzle energy than 5.56 NATO; however, because the barrel is shorter the energy drops off faster)... The gun you stick this bad boy in weighs close to 5 pounds loaded and is a complete beast. Basically, you shoot something with this, it dies.

I brought down an African Elephant in 1 shot with my shiny new .500 Smith and Wesson.

See smith and wesson, s&w, gun


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