13 Stepper

What is 13 Stepper?


n. a reformed 12 stepper; the thirteenth step is forgetting the previous twelve steps

Jose Contreras: Hey! I thought you said Brian stopped drinking, he's chugging that bottle of whiskey!

Bruce Lee: I guess he's a 13 stepper now...

See 12 stepper, alcoheimers, alcoporn, beer queer, barlot


Someone who attends AA for the soul purpose of getting laid.

Someone who has a lot of time in AA who sexually prays on newcomers.

That hot newcomer chick is gonna get trolled by that pervy 13 stepper.

That cougar is a 13 stepper, praying on freshly sober young dudes.

See trolling, predator, alcoholic, cougar, sober


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