1664 Syndrome

What is 1664 Syndrome?


When you're checking out a girl from behind you can see her legs, her arse and her hair. She looks like a 16-year-old. She turns around and you realise she's actually 64. You have to wash your eyes out with soap.

Loosely connected to Kronenberg 1664's 'a bad year for composing a good year for beer' adverts. Not sure how though...

'Mate - check out that bird she's...oh my god!!!'

'Yeah - 1664 syndrome, never mind'

See monet, milf


When you're checking out a girl from behind you can see her legs, her arse and her hair. She looks like a 16-year-old. She turns around and you realise she's actually 64. You have to wash your eyes out with soap.

Loosely connected to Kronenberg 1664's 'a bad year for composing a good year for beer' adverts. Not sure how though...

'Mate - check out that bird she's...oh my god!!!'

'Yeah - 1664 syndrome, never mind'

See monet, milf


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