What is 15 Will Get You 20?
As 16 is the legal age of consent, meaning you can legally have sex with a person at that age, it is illegal for anyone above the age of 16 to have sex with a person below the age of 16. Therefore, when you sleep with a 15 year old (or younger), you will get 20 years in prison. 15 (years old) will get you 20 (years in prison).
"Damn! Look at that ass! You know I like 'em petite.
DAMN JEROME! 15 will get you 20 man!"
Aphorism warning of the danger of engaging in sexual intimacy with a girl who is physically --- but not chronologically --- mature.
I've got a boner for that cheerleader that's a foot long, but I'm gonna go home and choke the chicken instead; 15 will get you 20.