
What is [ali]?


Being an ali is lke being a goddess. They are perfect. They are sexy, hot, a true babe. Also they are true friends and really trust worthy. Hope you have met an ali.

any ali can keep any secrets and have a "hot sexysmoken body. they are a babe they are true friendand "trust worthy"

See hot, popular


Ali is a type of male prostitute from Iran. These specific types of prostitutes do not sleep with humans. Instead they fist camels in the middle of the Dasht-e-Kavir desert for the entertainment of homosexual midget nomads who feast on small children. Rarely, but often does the Ali finish up his extravaganza by putting his head in the camels arse, does a 360 degree turn, lands back on his feet and sends fireworks off in the distance in the shapes of vagina's.

Wow! Did you see that Ali last night? He gets better every time!

See ali, camel


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