
What is [amanda]?


A lesbian who fucks black guys. Also known for contradicting everyone and anyone.

Bobbie: are you sick?

Amanda: no, my side is just in a lot of pain.

Ron: when are you gonna give me sum?

Amanda: I don't know how to perform. All I know is how to rip apart a pussy.

See bestie, lezbo, slut, perfect, human


A friend who is just awesome and hilarious! She's the best friend a girl could have.

She is very socially awkward but people love her anyway.

She fights over Matt Damon with her friend Megan but Megan always wins.

She is one with the Elk.

Megan: Amanda, Matt Damon is MY lover.

Amanda: You're right....Matt Damon belongs to you.

See aman, da, cool, awesome, elk


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