What is ...and Then I Ate The Bowl?


Used to take an already impressive story or anecdote and crank it up to 11. Appended to the end of said tale as a means of making it even more unbelievable. Derived from one of the greatest Tim Horton'smenu items of all time, the Bread Bowl, and its associated ad campaign, which involved a bystander overhearing that Tim Horton's chili or soup was so good, the orator subsequently eats the bowl it came in; the bystander of course not knowing the bowl itself was made of bread.

Guy A: "So what did you get up to last night?"

Guy B: "Dude! It was insane. I pounded back a 40 to myself, smoked a joint the size of a jiffy marker, puked, fell in the pool, and ended up sleeping with my buddy's mom."

Guy A: "Wow, that's the craziest shit I've ever hear..."

Guy B: "...and then I ate the bowl."

Guy A: "Fuck, do you have a church I can join?"

See then i found 5 dollars, that's what she said, in bed, loud


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